A few pictures for Tim Marra

I know you like to look at photo’s Tim so below are a few from yesterday. I hope you like them and can guess the location.

Great pics Pierre.

Buttertubs Pass?

If so, spectactular & great views, but an awful driving road in my opinion - potholes/bumpy & somewhat dangerous to drive at speed. I usually drive it 3 or 4 times a year on my way to/back from the deepest Yorkshire Dales which I love.

Cheers Pete, great pics - you know me very well :sunglasses:

No idea of the location, is Rob correct?

Yep the Buttertubs, actually the road is a bit better Rob after parts were resurfaced before the tour of Britain. It was quite misty up there too.
I thought you might like the pics Tim.

Love those pictures!

Nice to see it getting used in all weathers and not just polished as I’m sure a few others are.

Good pics, despite weather. We had clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine further south but the car never ventured out, sadly. Hope you enjoyed your run, Pete

Looks great, really think it works in that color scheme

Hey Pete!

WOW mate! What a great ‘deposit’ your lovely 135R made eh! Very cool!

I had a drive of one in August… I had that stupid Lotus ‘grin’ with 2 minutes! Great car!

Hope to see you at the ‘annual’ next year!


Pete :>)

Yep, Buttertubs Pass is loads better now it’s been resurfaced. Use it quite a bit both in the car and on bikes. Stunning car and location.

Great pics, lovely car!

Hadn’t noticed the red highlights inside the rear wing and wing mirrors until seeing these pics!

Looks great :clap:

Car look stunning. Great scenery too…

Here is Pete’s other toy :wink:

Pete has a dump!

Yeah looking forward to trying it out at Anglesey Pete, I will still be the slowest driver on track though :blush:


Yeah looking forward to trying it out at Anglesey Pete, I will still be the slowest driver on track though :blush:[/quote]

I doubt that!