A busy few months

Not been on here a lot as I have had a busy few months, not even used the Exige… but my life has changed in many ways

After all the grief I had with my Mini GP2 I thought it sensible to buy a cheap easy to live with Fiesta ST3, after having the first one stolen I got another from the insurance company, only to find this one seemed to have been built after an extended session down the pub, after a lot of thinking I threw in the blanket, Ford motor company were not even slightly interested in buying it back, “we will see you in court if you wish to return the car” was uttered by them, time to move on… A reasonable sized loss for 6 months of hellish ownership :frowning:

Moving house has shrunk my nice large double garage to a single and a half, gone is the plan for 2 Exiges for now, I need to replan a strategy…

Invested a chunk of money and time into my old house to get it ready for rental, just got it first tenants so hope there will be a nice steady income for a while.

The hunt for a replacement car started, I wanted something that will hopefully not deprecate too much and is not made of cheese (rules out all French cars), I ended up probably where I should have been 18 months ago when I bought the GP2 Mini with a 62 plate Audi RS3, a truly epic road car.
Also given our bad year last year myself and Jacqui decided to get married, so whilst on holiday in Florida we did, very low key. We did it on the beach at Daytona, very cool indeed.
Talking of Daytona, the reason for picking there as I had already organised a Drive Petty day, Nascar at 160mph+ round Daytona, a properly awesome experience that was.

Now I hope my luck is on the up and things are starting to go right for us, only to be told Jacqui’s Mum is quite unwell just before we returned from holiday, on the plus side the prognosis is good and she is getting better.

Hope to be back on here more often now and hope to make the noisy day in October.

Congrats once again buddy :clap:

Chin (s) up Ade. Love to Jacqui. Make sure you tell her, every day, how much you know how lucky she is.

Congrats Ade,

Thats great news. I always fancied Daytona myself.

We took delivery of our Golf r today after 2 very long years with her old rcz. I will never ever have another Peugeot or a mini as they share the same engine… 3 months was the total loss of time we had it in the end.

Glad things are on the up. Will try and pop along in October.

Congrats Ade & Jacqui!!

Good for you bud, it sounds like things are on the turn for you. Well done on the RS3, they do look like a proper little rocket ship.

Look forwards to seeing you at the noisy day next month.

Good to hear from you Ade, glad to hear things are on the way up and congrats on getting married!

Bet the RS3 is lovely… get a pic posted!

Congrats Ade, fair play to the pair of you.

I like the RS3 too, I love the saloon S3 that they do now, like a mini RS4.

Great news Ade :clap:

Good to hear things are on the up mate.

Good to hear about your good turnaround. Apart from marriage :wink:
Oh. And the fookin Audi :unamused:

All the best for Jaquie’s moms recovery …

Did you really write “invested a chunk of money on your old house for tenants ?”
Good luck on that one … they usually trash em !

Congrats Ade.

Mini Essex meet before the Summer is over? :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it’s all coming good. And many congratulations on the wedding. Daytona beach, uber cool.

I bet every petrolhead bloke thinks they can get married at a circuit, Daytona, Spa, the 'Ring, Silverstone, Le Mans, Indy, etc and has a very firm no from the other half!!

Top marks, Ade. Hope you’ve turned a corner (not into a cult de sac).
Great to have you back.

Yea tenants never look at something that’s degrading and go ‘ooh better look at that now otherwise it’ll get worse and turn into a big bill later’.

What like ‘Scientology Close’ or ‘Moonies Mews’, they’re both well known dead-ends to avoid round me :laughing:

Whoops! My prof-reading skills need brushing up. My excuse: been out for a beer.

It had to have new carpets, but my carpet guy does special rental carpets that resists stain and wear, brilliant stuff. Also it needed a new hot water tank as well which I had put off doing and kept repairing till we had the kitchen done, as that never happen it had to be fixed. A lick of paint here and there and cut back the garden, but it all adds up :frowning:

Thankls for all the good wishes, hope to be out for the Donny noisy day, but not quite certain yet.

Congrats Ade, Jacqui & Joe - excellent news :slight_smile: