A big thanks to all the guys that made me feel welcome on my first track day today I have now been home for 3 hours and i am still grinning … gutted i missed the curry though (wife ended up on call at the hospital )

Cheers rob for introducing me to everyone
and thanks for the ride out in the famous orange beast
(excellent foot and toe mate!) edit:- or is it called toe and heal???

SeanB YOUR CAR IS FOOKING AWSOME! so a big thanks to you for the white knuckle ride

The days driving for me was good, it was very interesting having to learn all the lines into the corners and powering out, Stuart did my driver training for me and I learnt loads of track info from him just one small mistake on my behalf…I was coming very fast out of MCLEANS and i lost the back end for a spit second but managed to regain control and stay on track (sorry if you was there behind me!!! apart from that everything went well

once again cheers to everyone for welcoming onboard and letting me hang out with you all.

Regards Sean.

You’re more than welcome, Sean, glad you obviously enjoyed yourself, both driving & socially

Thanks mate. Only wish I could have run it at full hammer all the time. Bloody noise police!!

Thanks mate. Only wish I could have run it at full hammer all the time. Bloody noise police!!

Didn’t stop you playing with yer little knob on some parts of the circuit though eh

Thanks mate. Only wish I could have run it at full hammer all the time. Bloody noise police!!

Didn’t stop you playing with yer little knob on some parts of the circuit though eh

He played with it when i was in the car … then a man began to wave a floppy black one at us

Yes I will admit that in the morning I did use the odd bit of twiddled knob to assit me in blowing the doors of the various rice rockets.