83man - Big Thumbs Up

Fantastic news to hear that Mike Stripe (83man) is now back home after getting the all clear, following his last few months of treatment & major surgery

Vinyl Veronique is now pressing for a new wardrobe - in anticipation of cuddling up with 83man at the Le Mans Classic next July (She is also wondering if they cured both his snoring, & his penchant for sausages, whilst he was in hospital ).

In all seriousness, well done Mike, & we all look forward to seeing you again as soon as you feel up to it

That is indeed very good news - see you soon Mike

Hi all,

Thanks Rob and everyone else for best wishes and support over the last six months or so. There is no doubt in my mind that the treatment (which can make you well) is worse than the illness (which will eventually kill you) and I now fully understand why some victims give in to the disease and refuse further treatment. I’ve still got one more operation to go, in due course, but that is a small affair compared to what I have just been through. For me the treatment has worked and all I have to do now is heal and get fit again. There is always somebody who is worse off than you…

I’m feeling a bit stronger every day now and no doubt I’ll want to get back behind the wheel soon. At the moment, and with a freash scar from just below the breast bone to just above the groin, I have no intention of folding myself into the Exige for a while… give me at least a couple of weeks on that one please!

I’ll be back at work and on track soon I hope and am really looking forward to a big Exiges.com gathering somewhere, soon.

Incindentally, for those who don’t know me I’m not really a ‘newbie’ at all and have been posting on here for well over 2 years but my login has been destroyed a couple of times hence my relative lack of status. I have driven my Exige over 12000 miles now. Both miles in the car and posts on here have been down in recent months but I’ll be back causing trouble soon!


Hi Mike,
Just want to wish you a speedy recovery, & I hope to see you & the new scar at a trackday next spring.
All the very best

Hey Mike, great to hear from ya. Get well soon and all that


We don’t know each other but I recognise your login (username) and didn’t have any idea you were ill.

I wish you well and the very best recovery.


Same here,

Get well, hope to see you someday at a track!


Mike great you’re on the up - any chance of getting up to York NYLOC meet again next year - you should go into after dinner circuit - great entertainment

Hi Simon,

Thanks! Funnily enough, Carol and I had a few days in York before I went in for my last operation but it didn’t coincide with a NYLOC meet otherwise I’d have been there! As soon as I’m fit I’ll be out and about as much, if not more, than before.
