5 Exige S1 for sale on Pistonheads atm

whats with the big sell up of S1 exiges on pistonheads atm 6 on piston heads 1 now sold so still 5 cars up for grabs.

None are near me

It is coming to the time of year where thing pick up for the people wishing to sell and have been holding out through the winter.

could be that the average debt in the the UK is �8K per person and they now realise that having a car you only use 10 times a year is a ‘luxury’ … or maybe its because the performance car market keeps moving forward with bigger hp and better built cars, and the original exige needs a load of money spending on it to make it as fast (my personal view as an S1 exige owner). When they were first released they would have been amongst the fastest cars at track days, but now they are very much middle of the pack (with the K series engine).

Well, that’s the optimists view… any pessimist care to venture a thought ?

Well, that’s the optimists view… any pessimist care to venture a thought ?

S1s are crap

In a bit of a mood today due to a nob head customer

Pesky - depends what you want from a car, are you sure they are still that good without the honda/audi/duratec conversion, etc. I love the look, the grip and the noise of the S1, its just a bit lacking in the trouser department compared to more modern track day cars, thats all.

I do plenty of track days in my boggo S1, and I’m not middle of the pack.

I’m at the back…

coming round to lap em, yeah !!

Well, that’s the optimists view… any pessimist care to venture a thought ?

S1s are crap

Is that an acronym for " completely reliable and perfect" or have I got things wrong again?

S1s are crap

Is that an acronym for " completely reliable and perfect" or have I got things wrong again? [/quote]

No fooling a Yorkie is there?

Let’s hope they all find good homes with caring owners, like what we 'ave on 'ere.