430 cup at Cadwell park

Interesting video about Cadwell park’s history & 430 cup content .

Lotus Exige Cup 430: TRACK MODE At Cadwell Park | Carfection 4K - YouTube

Ta for this, one of NYLOC was in his S1 Elise on the day and said it absolutely monstered past him… gonna watch and see if I can spot him.

Looked epic.

I would love to do Cadwell park in someone elses car …

No worries thought it’s worth posting up in case anyone missed it or thinking of track day next year.

Have only done Cadwell once last year, enjoyed it despite it raining buckets the whole day & being on semi slicks too, it was in April quite cold.
Motorbikes had the first session those guys were brave.

I would definitely go back it’s a very good circuit that suits our cars well but it demands respect with little to no runoff on most corners.

Yes enjoyed that too. Good ol gear mech issues :roll_eyes::smile:

I tried a v6 at Silverstone when they were launched and neither I or the instructor could get 3rd reliably. I hoped the new open linkage would be better, apparently not. My S1 gearbox is slow but the gears are always where you expect to find them.

Love Cadwell! Done it for real and on Project Cars: