3x steering wheel spacer and 1x snap-off adapter

Hi, I found the correct steering wheel position now and after many tries I have left over…

1x Elise-shop 30mm aluminium spacer (installed 1 time)
1x Elise-shop 30mm aluminium spacer (New)
1x steel 50mm spacer
1x snap-off adapter aluminium
1x original steering wheel Lotus Elise/Exige

picture’s here.

PM me


Hi There, i’m interested in moving my steering wheel closer to me for a better driving position, what do you suggest and how much are the parts. i’m in the UK by the way



I’m 195 (6.4) tall and moved the steering wheel 115mm 75mm spacer and 40 mm snap-off on a sparco wheel. That was about the same as a 30mm spacer and the 25mm snap-off I had on the original steering wheel.

(picture here )

That is already a lot but not quite enough But I’ll wait until my new seat is in than it might work.

Try to imagine where the steering wheel would be when you have an approx. 90 degree angle on your elboughs.


Ooo, by the way I can still just reach the indicator stalks


�25 incl. shippment
