Thank you guys for your support so far, but I was up at Donington yesterday and dropped in to the Collection to borrow something and got some bad news…

Sorry guys, but this is going pear-shaped. Apparently, as from Monday the ‘Cafe Grand Prix’ is only going to be a coffee shop and they will NOT be able to feed us on the Saturday evening.

We can still visit the museum in the early evening if we want to at �7 a head.

I can probably find us food elsewhere (there’s a pub in Breedon for example that lays on a minibus for parties of more than six) if you would like me to.

Please respond (on new thread) and let me have your views on what you would like to do.

Sorry guys but beyond my control…


Don’t worry mate, at least we’ve got time to sort out an alternative venue.

I think it’s still a great idea to do the musuem visit.

With regards the meal, do you think the Thistle have a suitable function room (with or close to a bar!), where they could do a buffet for us?

Check here


Cheers Tim. I’d spotted that after my post, & have spoken with both the hotel, & Mike. Unfortunately, the “functions” team does not work over the weekend, so Mike will try & twist his contact’s arm in the next day or so. A bit of arm twisting may be necessary, to make sure we get a dcent deal, so watch this space.

Thanks again for your input

No Problem. It would be good to finish the outing with grub & beer of some sort. Maybe the Hotel could offer a discount in the restaurant even without an ‘exclusive’ room. Whatever the deal will be, I’m in


Let me know if a buffet hunt is required again!