2043 Exiges.com Trackday

In 25years will it be the automotive equivalent of a steam-rally?

Given recent experience,…maybe this is a reasonable planning horizon if we’re thinking the 2043 event won’t be at Anglesey :laughing:

Listening to all the tree hugging clap trap, Anglesey could well be underwater by then :unamused: Then there is the small matter that I will be 82 by 2043 :open_mouth: :laughing:

:clap: :laughing:

Anglesey has a wind generator to charge them!

Excellent, I should have my car back by 2042 :laughing:

And mine built!

I might be able to make this one.

Trouble is… given that its entirely possible to do 3-4 tanks in fuel, can you imagine the incoming feed to juice up 60 cars with 1mWh!

More likely is a pack of R300s that are like triggers broom for chassis and engines, being delivered by an electric truck.

All the electricity will be needed to power my pacemaker by then.

By then Caterham will have come up with an even more ridiculous numbering scheme than just doubling BHP.

I will be 104 by then :astonished: …hope I can still get in the Exige :angry: …dont care if I cant get out!!! :slight_smile: Shame to bury me in it …waste of a good cadaver. :angel:

:crazy: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

LOL! :laughing: :lolno: