2007 Calender?

Click if you’re interested, enough response and I’ll sort it out for another.


Don�t know about everyone else, but my desktop has never looked so good; I imagine it must be a fair bit of work, but it�s hugely appreciated .


100% approval. Were you once a communist Ian


100% approval. Were you once a communist Ian


took me a while but i got there…

100% approval. Were you once a communist Ian


No, voting is optional!

Don�t know about everyone else, but my desktop has never looked so good; I imagine it must be a fair bit of work, but it�s hugely appreciated .


Cheers David.

It’s not really that much work once you’ve done it once.

Looks like there’s more than enough interest, so start getting out your pictures, I’ll be back to request them soon(ish).


Cheers David.

It’s not really that much work once you’ve done it once.


I’ve always been well impressed with these shots, but as an Elise driver I haven’t had them as a desktop.

Probably in a minority here, but if “it’s not that much work”, any chance of an Elise version as well ?



More than happy to let you know how I do it.

More than happy to let you know how I do it.

OK !

PM me if you’d prefer.