20 Litre Jerry cans

Green 20 litre jerry cans �10 each…
Midlands area

I’ll take a dozen please…

…assuming they’re brimmed with 99 octane Superunleaded!

Does “Jerry” know you have them? :wink:

Are you going to race retro ?? I will be there on Friday.
PM sent

Lol@ pesky + Ade…
I,m about 15 miles North of Coventry on the M6 … Junction 10

I have about 20 of these … all used but in very good condition…


you have 2 less, many thanks :smiley:

Any of these left?

there were 4 left on the wall yesterday :smiley:

Yes … got about 15 or so… �10 each or 5 for �40
07870 880101

13 left …