2 Days FREE Track time on August 11/12

Copied off an email received from Paul Hogan, [email protected]:"Here’s the deal: I have been in contact with one of the organisers of the Yorkshire Motor Festival. They are trying to turn their event into the `Goodwood of the North’ � apparently they had 45,000 visitors last year. Anyway, they have a lot of tarmac � over 12 miles of it � and they are going to mark out a 3 mile track. Would I be interested in unlimited use of this track for a couple of days provided I gave passenger laps to members of the public? Er, Yes. Would I like to bring along anyone else? I could ask, I said�So, Do you fancy it? It means being in Beverley (Just North of Hull) on one or both of the days and whilst they have helmets for passengers they would appreciate it if we could supply our own.As this is a bit last minute I said I would contact them tomorrow with an idea of numbers. If I get more responses than they feel they can cope with then it’ll be first come first served.Can you please indicate on this thread if you fancy it and ALSO send me an e-mail to the address above.Oh, and if you have friends with interesting non-Lotus motors they would be welcome too."To see about the event have a look at: http://www.motorfestival.co.uk/ I went last year and it was excellent, value for money, plenty to see without the crowds being so big that it interferred with you moving about.