2-11 Spec

Do you think 10% is really achievable ?

Get an ex-demo mate, they can’t be walking out the door at the moment and then clear off to the dark side!
But…Keep in touch
Oh and I asked Fee about the 211 and she said no she wants to buy a Katana Supercharger

You wont get rid of me that easily

Do you think 10% is really achievable ?

At least - seriously, Chris. I was informed by a “reliable source” 6 months ago that 10% discount was a realistic discount, so given the current economic climate you should be able to negotiate a bargain. No doubt you’ll be given the usual dealer bullshit about demand being greater than supply, but shop around…

I am assuming that you’re not doing a part exchange, otherwise you will struggle to get a good deal.

Do you think 10% is really achievable ?

Easily achievable, i managed more than that on an Exige 240, no trade in mind you

Do you think 10% is really achievable ?

As Pesky says the car market is somewhat a challenge at the moment as I am reminded of every morning when I look at the daily stats . So haggle hard and you may suprise yourself

So what do you think my best approach is ?

Contact all the dealers, give them the spec I require and see who comes back with the best price and negotiate from there ?

Anybody had recent experience with a dealer which could guide me ?



Contacting “all” the dealers is probably a bit extreme

Personally, if I were in your fortunate position, I’d speak with 2 or 3, & by giving them your precise spec, they should realise that you’re a serious prospect. Suggest you try both Chris Neils, & JCT Leeds, as they both have good reputations. The latter used to have a bad reputation, but over the last year, they have really tried to put the past behind them & are keen to develop the Lotus side of the business.

At the end of the day, you’ll secure the best deal by a having a face to face meeting with the dealer - good luck


Contacting “all” the dealers is probably a bit extreme

Personally, if I were in your fortunate position, I’d speak with 2 or 3, & by giving them your precise spec, they should realise that you’re a serious prospect. Suggest you try both Chris Neils, & JCT Leeds, as they both have good reputations. The latter used to have a bad reputation, but over the last year, they have really tried to put the past behind them & are keen to develop the Lotus side of the business.

At the end of the day, you’ll secure the best deal by a having a face to face meeting with the dealer - good luck

Also if you find something that a dealer has in stock then this will help. My not be your “ideal” spec but a deal is more likely on something that they have in stock, are paying interest on than something that they will order, prepare, hand-over and put your money in their bank - sometimes before they’ve even paid for it themselves. ahhhhh positive cashflow