2-11 on Fifth Gear tonight.

Apparently spanking the x-bow

Cheers Damon your better than radio times

Cheers Damon your better than radio times

LOL that will be 95p please

LOL that will be 95p please

Or 1 Euro!


2-11 spanked the X-Bow.

but no real commentary on either car which was a pity; and what was the test with the cardboard boxes all about.

Joined 5th Gear after 10 minutes so bloody missed it

Joined 5th Gear after 10 minutes so bloody missed it

You didnt miss much. 5th Gear now appear to be catering for individuals with the attention span of a fruit fly.
Any article seems to be 5 mins max. Then we’ll tell you whats coming up after the break, then 3 mins of adverts.
And the box thing… I just didnt see the point in that.

Damn and I said I was going to be less grumpy and more positive in the new year

I thought the whole feature was a load of rubbish, been better to see some proper lap times rather than a crappy race and as for the boxes thing what a load of rubbish

Most items are on that show Better off picking up AutoCar or Evo.

First time I have seen the X-bow with a decent set of tyres on through

Glad you thought the boxes thing was stupid, I thought that and Im in a busness that makes them !!!
Also while Im on my soap box {urgh}! Does the thin tall presentor think its cool to put your feet on a sofa-- would,nt let him in my house. Plato and Tiff are still the boys.

I missed it, what are these boxes they people are talking about? Just interested.

**** Its ok I just watched it on their website. Stupid really.

Total waste of an opportunity - what the hell were the boxes supposed to prove, are they confusing it with the white van test??? They are obviously trying too hard to be Top Gear. Both cars are cracking - shame…

Roll on this years GT4 super light


I missed it, what are these boxes they people are talking about? Just interested.

**** Its ok I just watched it on their website. Stupid really.


I Agree - completely pointless reporting. Even the high speed lap was simply staged. Pointless, pointlss, pointless

Total waste of an opportunity - what the hell were the boxes supposed to prove, are they confusing it with the white van test??? They are obviously trying too hard to be Top Gear. Both cars are cracking - shame…

Roll on this years GT4 super light


long time no hear Mark! You missing your Exige? Have you still got an X-Box on order?

Happy New Year to all !

Benj hows the sprogs… the X-Bow arrived in Oct '08, but weather has been poor so stopped some play but did get out to Brands just before Christmas… miss my roof at times


Got to admit I still pop back to Exiges for a peek at what’s going on… with only a few of these in the country it doesnt have the same established following … besides I’m sure i’ll be back in an S1 at some point… Neal hope your taking care of her

Any one planning on attending the Le Mans Bugatti double header with LOT later this year - Pesky?



PM sent

If I remember corectly 5th Gear raced an Exige against a Porsche. Vicky Butler-Henderson was obviously comfortable in the Porsche but she appeared scared of the Lotus. Giving a totally bias opinion that the Lotus was no good.
My personal opinion is that the show is crap and The presenters are not in the least bit entertaining.
Everyone knows Lotus make great cars. Who knows, 2009 might see me own one.