1st run out

Today was the first time I really took the new car out to ‘clear the tubes’, quite a nice day all in all, 2 things that struck me almost immeduately was to sort out the ECU and that dammed stage 2 exhaust.
Weather was kind and my technique at getting in and getting out is improving no end
Washed, dried off and miracles of miracles, back in the garage.
Next stop Hanger 111

Congrats Pete.

Sounds like fun. Really looking forward to getting mine soon.

Just to add, that yesterday when I filled up at Chelmsford there was a young kid, no more than 9 years old, was chuffed as bits to come up to me and say ‘nice car mister’ and gave me the thumbs up, as today up in Suffolk, parked up and in the middle of nowhere a couple of young lads with thier phone camera’s - ‘nice colour mate’… and another thumbs up.

Glad KG is paying off.

I’ve been lucky to have had a few nice cars, but this one certainly brings the ‘boy’ out in anyone… hell, even my straight laced neice found it ‘rather good’.

Cough pics ! cough

Congrats mate, hope there’s many a happy trackday to be had with you !

Took my daughter in it today and same response as “er indoors” a month ago - she hates it!!

The only person that likes it (apart from me) is a work colleague who has aspirations on buying an S1 Elise - everyone else thinks it an item of great amusement (toy/skateboard/thing etc) - Peasants!!

Good to here glad your enjoying the car and color ~ my favourite color too ~though still at the savin stage
and as Dave said Pics
cheers M8

Know what you mean. Have a Krypton S2 as well, the colour definitely gets some attention. Looks spectacular in the sun.

Took my daughter in it today and same response as “er indoors” a month ago - she hates it!!

The only person that likes it (apart from me) is a work colleague who has aspirations on buying an S1 Elise - everyone else thinks it an item of great amusement (toy/skateboard/thing etc) - Peasants!!

Bluedy ell! Word for word for all I know I could of written that in my sleep…including the bit about the S1…you’ll be telling me you cars titanium grey next like mine

LOL it is - check my avatar!

hi nice to see another pete with a krypton exige.just fitted one of jimbos zausts on saturday 7x24 sounds great. [color:“green”] [/color]

Way to go dude…it’s by far the best colour! I have these nightmares, they’re well scary, I dream it’s turned a kind of Craptonite Green and looses all its BHP