£1n Garage

Ok based on the last thread up turning the wick up, lets see your £1m garage:

£220k - Singer 911

£220k with options - 650S

£200k RS200

£186k Bowler EXR S

£80k - CLS AMG 63 Shooting brake as runaround

£75k Exige V6 Cup R

£19k for odds and sods on the older ones!

That Singer!! Beyond spectacular!

You’ve got far too much time on your hands! And £1m is too easy, you can have almost anything. Just as well you had £19k left, it might pay for a service for the Macca.

With my mill I’d build a kart complex in the Midlands in the vein of the Ascari Race Resort and invite you all along to play. I know it’d cost more than that but it’d be good seed capital and I reckon I could make a profit from it.

I like that idea, maybe we should all chip in :smiley:

Only need another 67 million and we can buy a proper toy …
Eurofighter !!