115 degrees!!!


Just like to add my condolences. Hope you get it sorted asap - having the warranty will at least take the sting out of having any upgrades (eg verniers) done. Mike Satur head gasket is available from Eliseparts.

Keep your pecker up

Bummer geez!

I’d still be concerned about the source of the HGF… If there is a blockage somewhere that caused it to heat up to the point of breaking???

Good luck with it all!

Mike Satur gaskets are much, much better than the originals and seem to be very well regarded by the Elise BBS owners, everyone seems to fit them post HGF. Mikes number is 01709 890555

I have a Mike Satur hg, and no problems - Dave Andrews swears by them, though he did show me some new gaskets that he has picked up that are almost as good… (and a lot cheaper)

I’m not sure of the whole story, but I seem to remember that these were a ‘new’ design from the factory or something…

Next time I speak to him, I’ll ask.

What made the Mike Satur gaskets better was the sealing compound laid on the surfaces, these where bonded through the metal layer to each other where the standard gasket just had the sealer laid on the bare metal and was easily dislodged.
Mike also supplied metal dowels to replace the plastic Rover ones which inserted into the block and head to stop it moving.


Thanks all for the support

Unfortunately Ive got to say my dream car is not turning out the dream I wanted it to

Even though the head gasket is covered under warranty, thats all the insuarance company will pay for, just the gasket, no skim, pressure test or checking or anything to do with changing the gasket properly and looking into the cause.

Im probably still going to have to chuck a fair bit in the pot to get the job done properly

Im going to stick with the Lotus / Rover gasket as that way theres no come back on me at all if anythings wrong, Had it all before with my old mini and can’t be doing with the hassle at the moment.

Everybody seems to be telling me that the latest gaskets have been ‘revised’ so I’ll just stick it and see!

Its booked in for next week so I’ll let you know

My wallets having nervous twitches at the moment



Insurance companies will always say that. I know it’s not nice but you’re going to have to make a lot of noise. Ring them up threaten the ombudsman, point out how stupid it is to only cover a �5 bit of cork and foil, get whoever sold you the cover to ring and threaten the insurance company that they won’t sell any more of their policies, tell everybody you’ll name and shame their business on forums, etc.

This has worked many times in the past. Their first approach will be to try and fob you off.

Good luck!


ps. 3 laps on a track and the dream will return!


Were you going round the Hagley island this morning ?? My GF saw a silver Exige …

Hi Andy,

Nope wasnt me… Its been sat on the drive looking sorry for itself ever since last week

And I have
Forgot to phone you the weekend but i took it into Whales this morning. I’ll let you know what they say!

Cheers Paul



Let me know what they say …

Hi Chaps,

Just got the motor back and its running very nicely

It was simply the head gasket that had failed on the fourth cylinder.
Heads been checked and skimmed and rebuilt so everythings cool again

Had the B service carried out at the same time and cambelt changed while it was all off.

Got to say a BIG BIG thankyou to Ian at Nick Whales for sorting it all out

Theyve had some right fun and games with the warranty company and I didnt even buy the car from there so I think a huge recommendation is in order.

Lets hope its ok for a while…But

Sorry guys I must admit I am looking at S2 Elises at the moment.
I know, I know you’ll all kill me but Ive just got a bit fed up with catching the bus all the time

I’ll see how it goes



Dont do it

Glad you got it back, Ian is really a top bloke - and I hope that your problem is solved …

You just need to run it a bit and get some miles in the summer and your perspective will change …

Edit …

Just found out the Disco has a HGF - 1000 quid to change it by the main dealer - er I think not

Andy - you want help to do the disco then?

You gonna let him stand on your shoulders mike?!


I’m just big hearted


Sorry to hear about the disco. the total bill for mine was nearly �1000 too!

Thankfully 2/3rds of that was covered by the warranty so I just paid for the head skim etc, cambelt and the few extra things to add up to the ‘B’ service.

Came over the lanes by yours last night going to my girlfriends.
I must admit its running very nicely indeed. There so much low down torque compared to before

Thinking back its been running pretty badly since I bought it… And its always sprayed a bit of water out of the header tank so I wonder if the HGF was known before I bought it.
They did seem very keen to throw in the 12months warranty with it. Usually they only give 3months

Dont worry Im not going to do anything rash swapping it just yet!

Just want to see how it goes for a while


Excellent news

I’ve realised that I’ve not been out in my car since 3rd January, due mainly to the crap weather we’ve had recently Have started it a few times & let it run for 10 minutes or so, & filled the garage with the pungent smell of Optimax

Think I’ll go for a spin tomorrow - take a look at a 111R at LRV & then call in at RussT’s for a pint (of tea!!!).

Cheers mate,

Come on, Get it out and give it a good old thrash

The car that is!!! Before that certain Bristol Gent comments!

The SON is out

The exhaust is blue

The roads are clear

My heart goes “whooooooo!!!”

No S&M here