
ferk me…

really glad your okay (LOL the comments about yer pants ), sorry to hear about the car but I know you’ll get it all sorted for donny… just need to use up some of that moolah under yer bed… all the best.


Totally gutted for you mate
I have just got a fresh bottle of midnight oil in so if any needs burning before Donny then give us a shout

Hope you can get it sorted in time for Donny Sean

You were not the only one to have problems yesterday but mine were only minor compared to yours

I had a driveshaft break on the racecar (brand new quaife gun drilled shafts ) and then had the drive belt on the white car shred due to some debris flicking up from the rear wheel, luckily both happened near the end of the day so still had a great time

Sorry, not been in for a couple if days. Wow, bad luck Sean - glad you’re ok and I hope its all sorted soon.

I had a driveshaft break on the racecar (brand new quaife gun drilled shafts )

Are they rated for any particular horsepower or torque?

Shitt,Bollocks’n’Arseholes (how’s that Ian? )

What a bugger mate, I was rather looking forward to having a race with you at the weekend aswell.

Think Im going to have to sit you down and have a bit of a talk on ‘mechanical sympathy’

I had exactly the same experience racing a couple of years ago at Brands. My fault - I heard a tinkling big end and decided to nurse it to the end rather than stop. Bad decision.

I think the oil fire probably extinguished itself pretty quickly once the engine stoped, but I punched the extinguisher any way. Same experience - 100+ to zero in a very short space of time and quite by chance stopped next to a fire marshall.

The damage wouldn’t have been so bad except the marshall saw the extinguishant dripping, shouted “it’s still wet” and discharged a dry foam extinguisher under the cover. That stuff is an absolute bugger to get off, especially once it’s got wet - I still find lumps of it in nooks and crannies.

Whatever, 6 foot long flames starting just behind your head in an Elise focus the mind immensely!! About as exciting as I ever want it to get!

Blimey! Bad luck Sean.

Glad to hear the extinguisher did it’s job and you managed to get out safely. Hope you get things sorted in time for Donny.

Cheers guys.

Well I took the engine out tonight and through the hole in the block I can see thet the con rod is fine and dandy.

Unfortunatly the crank is now in three pieces!! It looks like it has broke at the last web and then thrown a counter weight section off. Properly going man!!!

I will post a few pics when I have a bit more time.


Cheers guys.

Well I took the engine out tonight and through the hole in the block I can see thet the con rod is fine and dandy.

Unfortunatly the crank is now in three pieces!! It looks like it has broke at the last web and then thrown a counter weight section off. Properly going man!!!

I will post a few pics when I have a bit more time.


This is an absolutely typical and common failure of the Chambron cast, machined and balanced “VHPD” crank, and why I replaced Uldis’s VHPD crank with an OE Rover one. All VHPD owners would do well to follow suit. The VHPD crank is a waste of time balancing or attempting to use because they were all tuftrided. A now superceeded treatment that can warp a heavy item like a crank, which is an issue since the treatment is a hardening treatment to ensure long life and is done AFTER final grinding, therefore the finished crank is susceptable to going out of true. They always break at no 8 web which is where the dynamic load and the moment caused by the flywheel and clutch combine to impose the highest loads.

Bad luck Sean, see you sunday


Do you think a sequential, flappy paddle change may just add a little bit more shock through the crank ?

Just a thought …

LOL, yeah Andy I reckon it didn’t help as it does put quite a shock through the drivetrain.

Simon is putting a half way house engine together for me for Donnington, out of a few old dodgy bits he has knocking around and that isn’t having a VHPD crank in it, so we will see how that holds up.

…so we will see how that holds up.

Err, it’s only for 1 race surely?

Cheers guys.

Well I took the engine out tonight and through the hole in the block I can see thet the con rod is fine and dandy.

Unfortunatly the crank is now in three pieces!! It looks like it has broke at the last web and then thrown a counter weight section off. Properly going man!!!

I will post a few pics when I have a bit more time.


hi pet, he’s a pic
if you need a hand give me a call.


…so we will see how that holds up.

Err, it’s only for 1 race surely?

Simon is giving me the engine on loan until my 2 litre is ready. I hope I don’t sense tooo much sarcasm there matey!! lol

I hope I don’t sense tooo much sarcasm there matey!! lol

Just a bit of fun to see if you’d rise to the bait You know we all really want to see you out there racing - AND doing well

I hope I don’t sense tooo much sarcasm there matey!! lol

Just a bit of fun to see if you’d rise to the bait You know we all really want to see you out there racing - AND doing well

I know you old plank!! Just taking the piss!! All Simon has told me about this new “throw together” engine is that I need to reset my shift lights to 9,500RPM!!!

We all hope Seans temporary engine holds up…

[image]National Geographic

In true Lotus style it shouldn’t matter what happens once it crosses the line.