Windscreen Sun Strip and sticker order thread

I have finally got my arse in gear and ordered a sample of a sunstrip and a sticker. I will post us here when I have them.

The logistics of paying and postage etc, looks like it might be done by Dave (seriously Lotus) and he may simply list them on his website, although we still have some details to figure out. But cheers Dave anyway!

Good news :sunglasses:

Good news…hey up, I need some that graphic shit sending my way our kid :wink: where the cooking gravy is it lol?

Nice one - cheers for getting these sorted :slight_smile:

Excellent news, thanks for everyones efforts in getting this together,

nudge - Hi Chaps, any news on progress with these?


Just back from 2.5 weeks of holiday, so I will get on it as soon as I have waded through the 8 trillion e-mails I have in my inbox.

Nice one, cheers - good to see you prioritise updating exiges over work :slight_smile:


What exactly are the sunscreen and stickers - do you have example pics?

Is your man like cutting each one out by hand or summat?

Sorry guys, been really busy with work, not had much time for anything to be honest.

OK, I have got off my arse and tried the samples for size on my cars. They need to be a bit shorter, so I am having more samples sent to me.

We are getting there.

[quote=SeanB]OK, I have got off my arse and tried the samples for size. They need to be a bit shorter, so I am having more samples sent to me.

Why are you ordering condoms Sean? :smiley:


OK, final thing. What shall we go for in overall depth of the sunstrip? The backing will be in black. I am thinking 6".

What do we reckon??

I,m fine with six inches

Thankfully Johnny’s mrs is too!! :wink:

Lol do you remember leaving me alone with yours barman? :smiley:


Is it possible for me to join your order? :slight_smile:

yes please do. I have been working in Germany all of this week, not back until tomorrow, so I am hoping for the final sample to be with me by then.