
Can anyone recommend a cheap (UK sourced) camera mount to fit around an S2 harness bar?

Needs only to fit a compact digital camera screw thread - I fancy trying a few vids, especially at the Ring, but not looking to spend masses!


web page



(model No. 035)

another view…hey is it raining


Like a nipple clamp but bigger�

Check it out…

Can anyone recommend a cheap (UK sourced) camera mount to fit around an S2 harness bar?

Needs only to fit a compact digital camera screw thread - I fancy trying a few vids, especially at the Ring, but not looking to spend masses!

I dont think you are allowed to record video at the Nurburgring. I might be wrong though.

You’re not technically, but the Exige is so low and dark in the cabin, they won’t be able to see my black camera nestled behind my shoulder with a rag over it -

BTW, I made one out of a 42mm brass pipe bracket, bit of rubber, some whit allthread and a �7 Jessops camera swivel, all painted matt black - works a treat!

Hey guys check out my new human G-meter…
a fellow Lotus owner Turbophill from Kansas came out for a visit…no hills in Kansas…

part two of the bobble head G-meter…