Top Gear petition (pre-emptive action)

Sir - you are a gentleman

I love Top Gear - it makes me laugh a lot and I love cars and speed and all that stuff. BUT I just wish that they would wear a helmet and stay on the airfield or race track when driving deliberately at the envelope of traction and performance, just as we all do when we do track days and the like. Their recent output (particularly that Isle of Man stunt) is only marginally more PC than Fifth Gear which is very yobbish, even VBH who is completely irresponsible.

I’ve met Richard Hammond socially (but I’m not a ‘friend’) and he is a compete car 'nut’and I’m so sorry that he has been badly hurt.

I’m also a great fan of Clarkson (and not just his motoring stuff) and, as an organiser of some 35 competitive events each calendar year I know about RISK MANAGEMENT which is competely different to RISK AVOIDANCE which is where all the health and safety ‘nutters’ try to take us. I’m sure that Hamster’s risk management was very well done for this particular ‘risky’ stunt and is probably why he is still alive and getting better.

As ever, Clarkson is outspoken in his response to the H&S nutters who would ban everything which carries any risk. If you didn’t see his piece in yesterdy’s Sunday Times have a look hereSUNDAY TIMES

Top Gear is great - we must keep it and they must keep the crazy stunts which make us all laugh. What they musn’t do is make those who cannot think for themselves belive that it is OK to drive the wheels off a car on the public highway and without protection for themselves or others - that is simply WRONG.

End of rant and I hope he’s better soon and back behind the wheel.

Can I start a petition to ban 5th Gear?

Can I start a petition to ban 5th Gear?

I wish you would, just watched it this evening and it was worse than it ever was before! Yet there is so little car-related stuff on TV that I just can’t help myself.

Can I start a petition to ban 5th Gear?

bang on 83man

pushing the limits should always be allowed… and if correct precautions are taken to protect innocents then people should be allowed to do as they darm well want

Blaming the producers of TG for RH’s accident is mental. Using it as a reason to ban TG is ferkin bonkers.

Can I start a petition to ban 5th Gear?

I wish you would, just watched it this evening and it was worse than it ever was before! Yet there is so little car-related stuff on TV that I just can’t help myself.

Not aiming to make a habit of it but I again find myself agreeing with you again steve.

The only bit that wasn’t a waste of an hour was the self driving Golf GTi, which was super cool! Give John Bently the whole programme, even if he is a geek. Plato ran for the hills at the right time.


…particularly that Isle of Man stunt…

I was going to mention that Mike, but didn’t because they made a specific point of closing the road with Police before going completely wild.


Not aiming to make a habit of it but I again find myself agreeing with you again steve.

Steady on old man - you sure I wasn’t talking bo$$ocks again?

73168 wow what a following
Get better soon Hampster. we are rooting for you.