The ULTIMATE Quick Shift

The Team Wireless guys have fitted a sequential Hewland but this is �20K!!!

�20k - wow - that would keep Veronique in Bacon Butties for years!

No, do to the running bachwards issue…

Xtrac BTCC box is your best option…

Cheers Graham - how much would that be then?

And how much weight will I have to carry next year?

Can’t remember the reason but I don’t think the Xtrac box will work either. Will try to find out and get back.

It would be nice if somebody did come out with a sequential box for the Honda, along with a dry sump. That way you can drop the CofG which is silly high in the Exige (with any engine). This is what Ray Mallock did with Barrie/Gav’s car to great effect. Interestingly they swopped their Quaffe box for a Hewland with flat shift…

To answer the questions:

Eliotc: To select Neutral or Reverse you simply click down from first. In effect there is no lock out anymore. Quaife have replced min with a simple blanking plug. I am actually going to use that hole as the take off for a cooler.

The Actuator is quite large and no it won’t fit under the car. They have mounted it vertically on the front of the gearbox between it and the bulkhead. The have then mad a bell crank to turn the actuation through 90 degrees to operate the gear change lever on the box. They have done a really nice job of it actually. As soon as I have my box back I will post up some pics.

No i din’t opt for the “throttle blipper” for the down shifts. I tried out there Radical that has it fitted and it can be turned on and off and frnkly I prefered doing the blipping myself. Plus it runs on a vacuum from the inlet manifold and I didn’t want to bother drilling my Jenveys to get a vacuum source.

Its a shame that Quaife don’t do one for the Honda. To be hinest I would have gone Hewland, they are serious gearboxes but at 4 times the cost its a bit hard to justify. And from what I know of Xtrac if the Hewland is �20k then the Xtrac will be �30k+

On the weight front for next year, I chatted to Graham yesterday and I am trying to ease him out of his “weight penalty for dog boxes” rule. Boo to weight!!!


On the weight front for next year, I chatted to Graham yesterday and I am trying to ease him out of his “weight penalty for dog boxes” rule. Boo to weight!!!


Excuse my ignorance but I presume this is AMOC Mid Engined were talking about? I’ll be racing in this next year, probably badly. So there’s talk of adding a weight penalty to those with dog boxes!!?? is that right? I suppose it’d be unfair to add a weight penalty to those with Honda and Audi powered cars, since they are heavy enough as it is

The intention, as far as I aware, is to have an “assumed power”" per engine type. Also each type of chassis eg Elise or Exige, will have an assumed weight. Combining the two, you arrive at a power to weight ratio for each car, which will then be weighted up to bring it to the proscribed weight for the series. There is talk of factoring in something for different gearboxes.

The above is my understanding, in simple terms, & as far I know, a final decision as to the exact rules is still in abeyance.

Whatever happens, you’ll be eligible to race, so good luck

PS Ain’t physics good fun

PS Ain’t physics good fun

Might have got a higher grade in my A level if we’d looked at racecar aerodynamics and the like.

Combining the two, you arrive at a power to weight ratio for each car…

Does that include the driver’s weight?


Does that include the driver’s weight?


Nope - cos that can be fiddled by taking their wallets out of their pockets for the race