PM sent.
Excuse me - there are certain people that I accept being ridiculed on unfortunate painting of components from - you my old white wheeled friend are not one of them
p.s. Graham don’t sell them to him - he’ll only paint them fooking white !
PM sent. [/quote]
so come on then - has he bought them ?
I’m not first in line…
Mate, you have to admit your red brake saga is proper funny its been going on for about 9months
Maybe, and they would quadruple its value
Excuse me - there are certain people that I accept being ridiculed on unfortunate painting of components from - you my old white wheeled friend are not one of them
Mate, you have to admit your [color:#FF0000]brown[/color] brake saga is proper funny its been going on for about 9months [/quote]
Ade mate, the red turning to shit was near the start of Con’s journey! He’s keeping quiet about the full story…suffice to say on reflection he may think that insisting on red calipers was an error
Now you have to tell the rest
Let’s see if he’s got red calipers at Donny later this month…its not funny, it been very painful for him and we should all be supportive
Yeah, right!
Yeah, right! [/quote]
snigger snigger
Trouble is he may have 4 calipers that are red and keeping the fluid inside but what about caliper 5 and 6 now ?
I hate to think how many calipers I have and how many different shades of red (read brown ) they are… but after 10 months… hopefully the end is nearly here - that’s if the new seals stem the fluid leaks !
Just hope that when the new red back calipers get hot, which they will do at Donny, that they bloody well stay red.
Its been some journey… and I’d like to thank you all for your support and understanding and lack of pi55 taking throughout this epic struggle. Thank you :whistle:
p.s. I would not recommend that anyone mentions fitting red calipers to Martin or Steve as they may find their usual helpful demeanor to be missing.
Anyone we know???
Cool man!!!
now we want pics with them on
Haven’t you finished that box of Kleenex yet?