So, how much will the

Total anorak mode on, the car in the pics has the raised divider with three holes between the footrests like on a K series S2 but the Yotas have always had a lower one, wonder why?

Love the car btw, looks really good inside. It does not mention the airbags as a weight saving though? wonder what they add? oh and how much does the con air weigh? Sits wondering if mine will be a four figure number

I read it as that too. It does look bloody lovely- I much prefer the non-colour coded splitter, sidepods and spoiler. Think the S has too much of the same colour.

I think I’ll order me one. (snores loudly whilst in dreamland!)

Not to sure Lotus will sell that many for roadpurposes only. Price is high and it lacks some luxery (like bootcarpets and AC). Yes for the purists that’s a nono, but these will buy the normale CUP anyway.

All in all, I’d say try to find a decent GT if you go for the road option. It differs a few HP, but it will set you back less and you get ohlins/ac and cloth thrown in as a bonus.