Sean B`s NEW paint job...


Its not my car mate,its all Seans hard work,not mine,yeh i like it,but im biased towards the Reyland cars/colours anyway…

Like you say,as long as Seans happy (which he is) who cares…

Cheers for the replys guys,when Sean gets back on the net,im sure he will be happy with al your replys…


[quote]Why white??Its a repsol scheme,NOT colours…

Sorry mate, didn’t mean to offend you! Was just saying my personal opinion was that I think the front would look better in White. It looks great though and the main thing is that who evers car it is, is happy

I like it. And I like that Sean has added something from his routes to his new found speedy steed.


Having thought about it, Sean has built a fairly unique car. Fitting that it has a unique colour scheme. Good on you M8.

I’m liking the pearlescent orange

I thought the black/grey stripe was masking tape for a moment

I initially thought it was hybrid between the A-Team and Starsky & Hutch.

Cheers for the comments guys. I will update my track prep post when I get a second. Only just back on the web after moving house.


…moving house.

Literally eh Sean, it’s got wheels!

I love the paint job, it’s chaos!!

How much will a respray be after a bit of friendly track contact?

Sean, it seems like an excellent paint job. The colours are beautiful and the combination reminds the unforgettable (especially when driven by Carlos Sainz) Repsol Rally Cars.
The pic from the top is fantastic.

Yes, looking fantastic. The picture from above is also my favourite. The colour scheme sets of the motorsport engine cover beautifully.

The picture from above is also my favourite.

Mine too.


I like it too …especially the top.

fantastic sean
pic from the top is my favourite.
good on you