S2 Toyota C64 Gearbox solution.........

^^^^ uh yeah… 400 bhp is so 2007,chop chop

First 3 sets have been ordered. Drawings in progress with the machining scheduled for mid December. One kit will be built into the gearbox for my car, One to be tested by a race team and the final one for display at the Autosport show ( I may even attend and take other parts along) One other good test pilot has also expressed a serious interest with offers of cash now for one of the first test kits, So we may make a few extra sets and see how things go.
I am really giddy and cant wait to get them here…

Go go Mr. Entrepreneur :slight_smile:
Hope all works out A1

Fair play Dave!!

Good luck Dave…could be good news for us all :slight_smile:

any update?

Still waiting for the test gear sets
Spoke to the manufacturer at Autosport to chase them along.
I promise to update this thread when I have so proper news!

Dave will definitely be interested in the upgrade kit

Where the hell have you been! Jonny’s come home :smiley:

All of us who have experienced a C64 failure - lets gather on mass for a big demo outside Dave’s gear manufacturer. A big dirty protest should get some gears made.

Are your bosses reading this ??

I hope so! :angel:

Maybe a daft question but has anyone thought about going down the route of induction heating 3rd and 4th gears

Only ask as I found there was a gearbox specialist close to me who works on alot of Subaru rally cars

Apparently he uses this technique to make them stronger

Obviously not know how much stronger these will be after but I intend to call in soon to have chat with them

Has anyone ever had any dealing with this? Or know anymore about it?

That is a really good question actually. Back in my cosworth days, people would shot peen and super polish the gears and it had great results on high power cars that were breaking gears.

I like your thinking …
Putting a hard skin on cheese can work…
Take Dutch Edam for instance :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Will call in as soon as I can to have a chat

I’m sure it can only help but only trying it will truly see if it works

The SSC gears and FD are polished and heat treated as best I recall

Exactly… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Any updates on the g’box Dave?