Planning on this being a keeper Mark :slight_smile:

Looks ace Steve :thumbup:
Enjoy it mate.

Fantastic Steve, what a great lineup :thumbup:

Cheers Pete will bring it the next northern meet.

One was missing Benja. Got a similar photo with Shrek and old Evora

What a line up! Looking good, Steve.
Just caught the one clear day in Cumbria!!!

Evidently it is the Exige that has the best air con too :laughing:

Very nice addition Steve

Lotus heaven Steve :slight_smile: - you could maybe breed them?

This S2 is clearly holding out till it finds the one :slight_smile:

I think the condom on the exhaust might prove a problem when breeding :smiley:

Seriously miss my old car when I see an S2 looking as cool as that :sunglasses:

:laughing: :clap:

The expensive one advertised on Piston heads is no longer there.
Has it sold or ad run out???

Awesome, mate!!!

S1s… :laughing: :laughing:

Told you our car worth 60k now…the VHPD ones are anyway :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yes and the Honda ones even more :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: