Regularly see nearer 1.5G lateral in mine. Its how I know I’ve been trying
I’ve seen
Mine gets to 1.4G and I’m not the best driver LOL
Where do you see the benefits in your design over the standard one? Not sure I can see where it might be?
In the
It’s a pretty nice split plenum, bit like the Dahlback ones, key being equal filling of all the cylinders both under load and transients so you’re maxing each cylinder not just pulling back due to one knocking.
Some more
I’m not a smoker, but if I was I guess they are pretty cool ash trays
Way too
Fake marble effect flooring with threaded inserts, and a couple of pieces of machining swarf sat on top? Parts for the gun rack? Parts for an XXXXL soft drinks holder?
Do you need 8 of them?
Egg cups with a great thermal mass , keeps the eggs warmer while checking for posts
Those are
Assume you have another 4 in 1.5" (depending on what caliper you have)? Ti?
Half right…
What’s your reasoning for having them made in titanium?
Not disagreeing with what your saying, but can you quantify the following? Bored and got to work tomorrow so no pub allowed
How much lighter than the alloy pistons?
How long did they take to design, have made, fit, etc - ie some maintenance - vs using the ones supplied in the calipers? I’ve always found that the seals need changing a long time before the piston needs attention due to corrosion.
How much stiffer? And how hard do they need to be? Bearing in mind that the pad backing material is still steel, and the friction material is nearly always compressible.
final result.