Not Exigeless soon....

Production start apparently 30/31 May :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


So with the production start date looming (only a week to go)
I started to think about a number plate… cant afford a really cool one as I have spent it all on the car!
So trawled the DVLA site and found this…

I quite like it, and its can remain totally legal and sort of says Exige CUP (If you cant read or spell) Suppose if I have to explain its shit really :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That works for me Dave. Awesome just got more awesome! :sunglasses:

That would look cool :slight_smile:

BB 16 NOB ?

PI 55 OFF ?

This could run and run, and get out of hand really quickly!! :laughing:


Really helpful guys thanks so much. Going to ask DVLA for a refund and look for some of your suggestions


Weirdly, the first 2 are both showing on new Minis.

Looked for all those and they had gone :cry:

If lotus keep to the plan only eight sleeps before production starts

8 sleeps till a proper Lotus build thread :smiley:

… is it just me … I think personalised plates are very uncool. Just get whatever plate comes with the car.

… that comes from a person with EX51 GEE, but it did come on the car, was on it from new, and nobody wanted it when I tried to sell it.

Wear your plate (especially if it’s old) with pride.

I friend gets a new car every three years. They leave the β€œyear” plate on it for the first year and then switch the private plate. It would be very rude to mock them for it, but I feel I must and I do.

It depends I reckon, having your name on it does, but something quirky looks cool.

I’ve got quirky on A4 Avant:
It’s a long story (which many of you will have heard) featuring lots of booze, late night internet surfing with eldest son, and a guilty admission to Mrs Thommo. :open_mouth:

had K3NNO when I was young …
Never got rid of the nickname…

Well all sleeps been and gone. No news though.

The 360 Cup car looks ace Dave :sunglasses:
The silver one at Murrays in Edinburgh looked the dogs.