Northern get together, Carlisle Airport Sat 18th April 11AM

Nice pic Steve

Cheers all had a brilliant day but the funniest pictures was watching the airport cat walk slowly In front of about 11 parked lotus, and when it got to the vx220 it jumped on the bonnet and scratched its arse, then jumped off and carried walking…

Awesome,…that looks fantastic what a great venue.

You forget that the Vulcan is LARGE. I remember as a boy seeing them at air shows, even more deafening than a harrier.

Fantastic - love the Vulcan pics !

Looks a brilliant outing, so sorry I couldn’t make it.

I completely agree, we voted it the best day of our Florida holiday going to Kennedy, we were lucky enough to get a full tour of the VAB and a launchpad. But Atlantis and the incredible Saturn V rocket were the highlight, how many times did you crash the sim trying to land a shuttle?

Thread drift, sorry…

My son landed first time, I couldn’t dock… my wife told me she wasn’t surprised, she didn’t mean my son!

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … pp=desktop”>Avro Vulcan XJ823 - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

was sent this when someone saw my pic on Facebook.

Nice one John :slight_smile: