New theme for

I agree with Dave here, this forum is simple to use, obvious when there are new posts and simple to view them, I hate forums where I have to scroll to find the new posts on a thread, makes it really tedious indeed and I quickly lose interest. I read every post on here because I can and it’s easy to do, I don’t mind a new theme, but don’t remove the simplicity of using the site for the sake of a new look.

So , if I can make it pretty and get easy access to the latest topics for you it would be all good?

What I am thinking is where the orange bit is on the right hand side that will contain the latest posts, and if you dont want to use that you can use the hamburger menu for the items.

Andy, I think you might have missed my point, it is the little letter style icon on the thread that allows you to go to the first unread post on each topic.
Not some mess of jumbled rubbish on the front page

That will still work as before!

If that is the case I’m happy, I use the “kiss” principle in my work and I like that in my forums. I now detest all the sites like daily mail etc as they are screwed by dodgy advertising and scrolling bollocks, I just buy a paper or watch TV news

22 votes in total is great. Now to see if we can hit 30 votes and get as many people as possible posting as well

24 people voted! Thats great news.

You might see some aesthetic changes imminently. It wont be a final view , more an evolution as I work out quite how to manipulate things to how we want!

Ooooo look at the pretty pictures! :smile:

I am working through things as fast as I can! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Having an issue with the header at the minute and working on the individual icons …

Does anyone have a s1 exige outline ?

I have the s2 and s3 but not the s1!

Hi Andy,
Looks pretty good to me.
Dave, I’m a miserable old tw*at who does not like change, according to Mrs Thommo, but I can’t see any problems with this as yet. It looks a bit grey, maybe.
Thanks again Andy for your efforts.
Steve T

I’d skimmed through this thread and the idea didn’t really make much impact on me. If anything my response to the idea was slightly negative as, too often, website ‘updates’ go hand-in-hand with problems finding stuff, working out what new buttons are for, etc.

I came on here this morning as normal and the new design hit me! It looks good - fresh, clean layout - and no problems finding anything.

I’m converted!!

I’m liking this refresh :thumbup:

Still easy to find recent contact or specific forum sections.
Well done with your efforts.

Looks great Andy and thanks for the site update :+1:

Liking the new look

Thanks for all the feedback so far whether positive or constructive. Its all appreciated.

I held back posting last night but I’ll echo that judgement, looks clean and fresh for sure.

Site looks great Andy

yup… loving it so far…

Great update to the site