Modifying v Originality

Spotted that, ‘constant attention’. :smiley:

Surely a NA Honda needs the least?

Yeah I agree Ian. I think its the cleanest install (well some of them) in a Lotus as well.

I love my turbo’s, but all of the pipes and bloody hoses and stuff are a pain in the arse.

So here I am considering my next S1 should be Honda’d and this thread comes along… :astonished:
Must say of all the mods to my Orange Folly the best was the Nitrons and uprated springs, all the other bits…brakes . 200+DVA engine, verniers. emerald ,big bore exhaust, trick inlet etc etc were a good idea at the time but really did not make that much difference.
So it might have to be a standard spec with uprated suspension…unless something totally opposite rears its beautiful head.
ndecided as always.! :unamused:

I’d kinda agree on an S1 (I think std S2 suspension is probably better) unless you drive it hard, then good brakes make a really big difference.

G’day Clive!

Good to ‘have you back’!.. so what is the story over the last 3 years?

Standard car… yes the best and as you say, just uprate the suspension! (Shrek was a perfect example of that!)

Look forward to hearing more of your journey!

Cheers, Pete. :wink:

Hehe, yes, that might your definition of ‘best’, and mine and some other’s here, but not many other people’s :smiley:

Mine is standard as well, with some Lotus options such as sport seats, harness etc.

I like the uncivilized, if I may say so, character of the K, I love the drama, I just love it to drive! Even if a friend of mine giggles something about ‘kangaroo-fuel’ all the time :wink:

When it comes to ‘‘I want more POWER!’’, I go a completely different way. I let Guido drive my car, me on the passenger seat. After 10 minutes (max.!) I know the following things:
-I am a lousy driver
-I know what the care really is capable of, if properly driven by a professional drver
-I don’t need more power
-I do need more practice

This saves me a lot of money for a conversion, Guido is happy, I am happy, bank account is happy.

btw. Guido is a professional racing driver, my personal Stig :mrgreen: