Lotus Exige / 340R track day

Peter my hat goes of to the 340R guys for dedication. On the way home I passed W10TUS who was on his was back to Winchester with it P*ssing down with rain and still a 4hr journey to complete. I felt a bit of a whimp in a hard top car.PS Loved the Air Scoop

Tony as someone who works in manchester I’m most interested in your new venture…however, many bad things have been said recently re Ian Kinsey…it a loaded question but do you care to comment?

quote:Originally posted by Admin5: What brand / type are these pads ?The pads are Pagid racing brake pads. Unlike a lot of competition pads, which do next to nothing when they are cold, these pads are effective even when cold. The only drawback to them is that they sometimes squeal under gentle braking when cold, but I can live with that given the payback. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image] HTH

Hi Steve. If you would like to give me some specific examples, then I might be able to respond to any criticisms. Otherwise, I’ll give it some thought and post my views on life later this week (when I’m back from Cadwell). Regards, Tony.

Hi Tony,Do you have a part no. available for the competition Pagid pads for the exige?ThanksMike

Hi Mike. Details as requested: A111J0150S Front A111J0151S RearYou will also need backing pads, which I don’t have a part number handy for, but which I can get for you if necessary. The brake pads work great without the backing pads, but they rattle, which can be a bit annoying. Also, the rear pads can need skimming to get them to fit, so you need to be able to do this or alternatively you need to get someone who can to do it for you. Any problems sourcing or fitting let me know and I’ll see what we can do.

quote:Originally posted by Tony Whitter:

Oh, and I not managed to find anywhere selling the racing type of fluid.Hi Rod. Castrol SRF is a Castrol patented special purpose racing brake fluid. It is technically a DOT 4 fluid, but don’t be mislead into thinking that a DOT 5 will be better. Although I have never proved it, I have heard many times from people who should know that SRF if the brake fluid used in Formula 1 cars. One key attribute is its extremely high boiling point (wet 270 degrees C, dry 310 degrees C), which makes it just about impossible to boil it. . .

I just got these figures for various fluids :Dry Boiling Point Wet Boiling PointDOT 3 401�F 284� FDOT 4 446� F 311� FDOT 5 500� F 356� FDOT 5.1 518� F 375� FOther people are telling me to use 5.1 now ???

quote:DOT 5.1 518� F / 375� FHi Rod. In Fahrenheit, the SRF temperatures for dry and wet boiling points are respectively: 590� F / 518� FIn other words, significantly better than the temperatures that you have quoted for DOT 5.1. Hope this clarifies the situation. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image][This message has been edited by Tony Whitter (edited 07 April 2001).]

quote:Originally posted by Tony Whitter:

DOT 5.1 518� F / 375� FHi Rod. In Fahrenheit, the SRF temperatures for dry and wet boiling points are respectively: 590� F / 518� F[This message has been edited by Tony Whitter (edited 07 April 2001).]

Ah, thanks Tony. think I will put some 5.1 in ( as only 7ukp/litre ) for road driving and consider some SRF if I manage to boil my fluid on a track day again.

I have just received from an anonymous source, a picture of some exiges at the lotus exige/340R track day which I reproduce below.Just goes to prove how wet it was.RegardsPeter Crook [image]http://www.340r.net/secret/exiges.jpg[/image] http://www.340r.net - information for owners and enthusiasts

Thanks for the picture Peter, especially as the orange Exige is me! However, I am disappointed that the photographer missed the opportunity to catch the ducks swimming on the infield! [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

Anyone know who the other 3 Exige owners are ?Is that a black or a dark blue Exige ?

quote:Originally posted by Admin5:Anyone know who the other 3 Exige owners are ?Is that a black or a dark blue Exige ?I thought the terms of the event, were no cameras allowed ?

I am the Exige behind Tony’s Tango machine. The other one is blue reg X111 FLY (Tony what was the guys name) the Ally one at the back I cant rememberPeter thanks for posting

Kenton, unless I’ve got the cars mixed up, X 111 FLY belongs to Richard (Ric) Kelly. There was of course also the other silver Exige that had to slum it in one of the 340R groups! [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image]Rod, they were! [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image] I suspect this was deliberate, as security always specifically ask you about cameras (unless they were just being slack on the day!)Peter, any more where that came from?

The pictures were posted to me from an anonymous hotmail account.However from the angle it was taken I would say they were on the balcony of the clubhouse.The other pictures do not show anything incriminating just some 340R’s parked under the awning and a couple of shots of 340R’s going round the track. Including one of me driving my 340R - thus proving that I did not take the pictures.RegardsPeter CrookPS: You keen exige owners have pinched all the first batch of ultra close ratio gear sets, so know I have to wait for mine [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/frown.gif[/image]

That’s us, quick on the track, quick to the UCR gear sets! [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image]

Gents quick update on an Exige Track day at Hethel. Lotus are still open to the idea but I am awaiting the details. I received the follow email from them this afternoon:“Many apologies for the delay in responding to your request. Initailly I have been tied up with events at Hethel, then last week took a much needed break. I have briefly been back in the office today to collect messages and emails and will once again be out of the office until early next week. The delay has also been contributed due to to the current Company restructure, which my position has also be affected, however, I am hopeful that I should be able to address your request next week. Please be assured that customer track days is an area which we are keen to expand and I will be in touch with futher details as soon as I can.”

nice on Kenton . let us know well in advance and i am sure we can make a real event of the meet.Kee [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

Wonder if anyone has used AP600 brake fluid ?"AP600 Racing Brake Fluid. Family No. CP3600 �Typical� New Dry Boiling Point - 310�C �Wet� E.R. Boiling Point - 210�C AP 600 Fluid has been developed for racing applications where higher than normal temperatures are being experienced, e.g. when using carbon/carbon discs and the ultimate in brake fluid performance is required. It should be noted that before using AP 600 fluid, any existing brake fluid should be drained completely from the brake system. DO NOT USE AP600 fluid in contact with any type of magnesium components (e.g. gearbox / clutch components) as a chemical reaction is caused resulting in gases being generated. This will then prevent the clutch hydraulics from working efficiently."A tad cheaper than Castrol SRF.