LOT Race Oulton 28th June

I’ll be there but probably parking over on the outside of Knickerbrook.

I’ll be there but probably parking over on the outside of Knickerbrook.

Obviously your Exige is still not running then!

unless its really wet, then I’ll be out in the Exige…

Re Dent: Not this year, sadly.


A few of the team are going for a curry near Preston, Junction 30 M6, at around 8pm Saturday night. If anyone is interested please email me at [email protected] so I can book the table.


Reet then I have delegated my British GT responsibilities and will be DaveP’s Bitch for the day

  1. Pesky
  2. Steve
  3. Jabbs
  4. Ted
  5. Mark (B@W)
  6. lotusgray
  7. Damon

Really wish I could make this, but sadly not

I’ll be there …but not in the Lotus alas …and I can’t stay for the curry as I need to get back darn Sarf

Does that mean I’ll have to clean mine, oh and put the roof back on it [image]http://www.puregt.com/Forum/upload/images/smilies/poke.gif[/image]

Whats the arrangements for entry and parking. Not used to paying to get into events these days.

Passes? Or pay full price.

I am planning on being there 0730, gates aren’t normally manned at that time.


Nothing formal for parking, except not allowed in the Paddock area. Aside the road which runs from the Diner to the bridge at Clay Hill, is my favoured parking bit this weekend - assuming it’s not occupied by traders!

Entry is a whopping �12 on the day.

Reet hatched my plan.

You’ll see my car on the way in

Entry is a whopping �12 on the day.

Are you suggesting I’m not worth the entry fee Rob ?

Entry is a whopping �12 on the day.

Are you suggesting I’m not worth the entry fee Rob ?

Was being sarcastic, as �12 for a cracking day out is bugger all!

However, on second thoughts, unless you change your pit bitch…


However, on second thoughts, unless you change your pit bitch…

Oi!!! [image]PureGT

Hi Rob
Me and Tim will be their now make sure you cleaned the car marks out of 10 .

Probably won’t be in my car Eddie, well not the Exige anyway, as I’ve got a gearbox to deliver to someone at Oulton.

Look forward to seeing you & Tim

That Audi of yours is becoming a reet parts van

That Audi of yours is becoming a reet parts van

Vin Bleu

Probably won’t be in my car Eddie, well not the Exige anyway

and to think that you were giving me some stick