Looks like I'm on the move...

Fair play Ben!

Yeah deffo go for the packing option. When we moved earlier this year, I went for that and it was awesome. I just made a few cups of tea and directed people, it was mint.

If you need a man with a van on moving day, give me a shaout, I don’t mind coming and giving you a hand.

[quote=Mr Pesky]I think “house demand” will be very, very localised for the foreseeable future.

Both main parties are openly warning us of tough times after the election in 2010, ie we’re going to be squeezed for a couple of years or so, no matter who gets in. After 3 years, they’ll then gradually “ease off” in an attempt to bribe us to elect them for a further term.

If even the Dubai Govt finances are in the shit, what chance for the rest of us?

“Cash” is & will remain “King” (Cough!!!) for many years to come. [/quote]

Not you mate, BUT

This is all negative Bull…t!!!

All these ‘experts’ who have gotton us into this mess now profess to be PHd lectures in economics!

Just have a look at what is going on in OZ!!! Everyone is bloody POSITIVE, and house prices have risen 7% in the last 3 months, with forcasts of 25-30% increases over the next 3 years.

What we need in this rain sodden country is a bit of POSITIVE thought from the bloody media and those wanke…s in Whitehall… WHY is everyone so bloody negative and doom and gloom about things! No sooner do we get up and shake ourselves down, the media come up with a new catch phrase such as ‘double dip recession’ to kick us in the teeth and knock us down again! It is no wonder this place is in such a blinking mess!!!

Off the soap box now!.. but need some speed to give me some sanity and a smile! :smiley: :smiley:

I agree (to an extent) Pete, that it’s all a matter of confidence.

Now that the UK only has a very small manufacturing base, it’s much tougher than in the old days to “trade out of” rhe recession. The UK economy has for some years been dependent upon the housing market - for some reason we see them as investments, not things to live in. And there lies the rub, investment values can go down, as well as up. I crapped myself late last year/earlier this year when we were selling our house, as the “value” had taken a big hit from that of a couple of years previously. However, buying in the same market was a pleasant surprise, particularly for “new build”. In that respect I was fortunate, & tbh in “price differential terms” between the properties concerned, ended up much better off than I would have done 2 years earlier

Unfortunately, the reality is that the UK is generally in a poor state economically, but even so, some specialised sectors are doing rather well. Fingers crossed that someone in the “doing well sector” takes a shine to your house.


So looking forward to the future surely the election presents closure…Now is not rock bottom! I socialise with a lot of different sectors let alone listen to my own national accountants and the consensus (spelling) says there has to be a pivotal moment. I hear what you’re saying Rob but it’s not a mark…confidence is king!

[quote=jonnyfox]I here what what you’re say Rob but it’s not a mark…confidence is king!

Sorry, mate, I just don’t understand what you’re saying! God only knows what nonsense you’ll come out with if Villa manage to win a match :smiley:

The ‘KISS’ principle always works

Keep it simple stupid :wink:

b loody villa…what a crap second half :angry: :smiley:

Love a drifting thread!!! :crazy:

Here you go then, Pete:

:smiley: I thought I’d deleted most of that…just reread it lol I have no idea what I was trying to say :crazy:

No probs, buddy :slight_smile:

However, some peeps are not as understanding as me BBC apologises for Geoff Boycott tirade

I thought it was some kind of election manifesto :crazy: Vote Jonny Fox MP :wink:

Thanks for the offer of help Sean - I plan to pay for a proper removal company, I’ll have my hands full.

I really hope the move comes off, we neeeed that extra space.

Here you go then, Pete:



I’ve only just realised but the house I’m trying to buy is…you guessed it…black and white :sunglasses:

Nice one :smiley:

Mate it’s in London,…like I could afford outbuildings!!

Remember this? Well I move tomorrow :slight_smile: I’m f’in knackered and let this forum be my witness, I vow never again to store a load of old junk in the loft!

Ha ha

I can remember looking in our loft just before we leased the house and thought … stuff that ! So just left it all there … hoping someone leasing would nick it :smiley: I mean who needs a scrap mini gearbox, and a pair of badmington net posts ?

All the best for tomorrow Ben :wink:

Good luck!

It’ll be worth all the hassle :wink:

Hope the move goes well Ben :slight_smile: