
It does sound like a Ponzi scheme, even the intro message is exactly the sort of message used by Ponzi schemes. If it really was safe, simple and gave massive returns, the banks would be all over it and build their capital bases and the private investor would be squeezed out.

You seem happy and sure it’s safe, I hope it is.

Buying an selling old VWs, biggest gain was on my Rallye.
Currently investing in AIM oil exploration stocks after they got hammered in the last few years. Google Malcy’s bucket list 2017. These are higher risk than ftse 100 shares, but returns are much higher if you get it right. Another potential share I’m looking at is sirius minerals. BT is looking a possibility too, as this should make a 30-40% recovery in the next few years, plus dividends.

At the moment though apart from having a small share fund I’m just trying to knock down the mortgage, as thats the best route to saving money in the long run.

And if you’re investing in shares, make sure you use a shares ISA to avoid paying income tax on your profits :wink: