Low pressure underneath the car won’t feed air anywhere .
It’ll help with extraction if there’s sufficient higher pressure air to extract
What about venting the arches, usually done to remove high pressure and lift but would also remove the hot air and create a lower pressure area for air to flow into?
Low pressure air underneath the car, will go anywhere you direct it, provided that the air pressure is even lower. Pointing the duct/pipe at the centre of the disc, from memory gives the lowest pressure at any point of a spinning wheel. Look at how many manufacturers mount a turning vane to the lower wishbone to direct the air at the brakes.
It does make it a bit of a pain take the undertray off, but side cutters to remove the cable ties and you’re done.
Jon, I think you’re referring to the small low pressure area in the centre of the disc ?
If so … Yes there may be a local depression in mb, but the actual volume of air that can flow through the disc vanes is absolutely minute compared to the flow between the undertray and the tarmac.
A bit like the relationship between Volts (potential) and Amps (current)
All good tho and you’re by far the best guy I know on these quirky little cars
Half of the vanes are the wrong way around anyhow !
Bloomin disc manufacturers cutting casting costs .
I think AP have handed rotors though?