Sorry. Hampshire has got too many Exiges already.Nice to see you are talking sense tho’ [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by LRdriver:Has trevor still got his exige for sale?I presume so, see

go onto the post s2 190 click on images and you can download the clips of the elise 190 on track days, looks very fast to me.

KieronI presume you mean [image][/image]Yep, Tim’s car is a cracker [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by Pesky: Been to Brittany recently, have we? [image][/image]LOL! One of my more amusing typos!Can we have a spelling/grammar checker please Mr Admin?!Ian [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by Pesky:Yep, Tim’s car is a cracker [image][/image]But not cheap!More than a new Exige was I believe. Probably as quick, may even be slightly quicker, but it doesn’t look as good (sorry Tim).

When I said Elise 190 would be faster, I meant in acceleration because it’s a bit lighter.Clearly the Exige is still the superior car [image][/image][This message has been edited by BT52 (edited 02 August 2002).]

Owen geddes weighed a load of S1 Elises at one of the trackdays he organised. Average from memory seemed to be about 750kg, with the early cars weighing less. Mine, number less than 1000 weighed 732kg with about 30 litres of fuel.Cheers

From what I see the main factors you have to consider between Elise s1 or 2 and Exige are as follows:190 Elise will accelerate faster due to wheel size gearing and weight.Benefits of Elise stop there unless you want a convertable.Exige beenfits are:Wider trackBetter down force from spoiler and front splitterBetter engine cooling from roof ventUprated brakesBetter tyre package (at a price though)Looks (worth a million)In track driving mine a few times what you have to decide is how do you want to enjoy it. The Exiges limits are so high that you are really limited to driving it smoothly, whereas an Elise can be thrown around more as it loses traction at lower speeds.OIMHO PS Mines still for sale!

Paul,Funny you should say the Exige needs to be driven smoothly and the Elise can be chucked around.I’ve always found the opposite to be true! The Exige I thought was great fun and could be hussled like a hooligan, whereas the Elise will get badly out of shape very quickly if you try the same style.Anybody else tried back to back drives?CheersChris

Often - I have an Elise and Exige at the moment. I find you have to be much more precise in the Exige. The Elise I find much easier to hustle around, get into a corner out of shape, gather it up again get sideways blah blah blah.So much depends on tyres and suspension set ups of the car though. Unless geometry is set up regularly then all sorts happens! At the moment I get very little understeer in my Elise, whereas with previous tyres and different proximity to a geo it has been the most understeery car ever!Cheers

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