Exiges - Donny - Noisy Day

And I wont be taking one of them :frowning:

Have a great day all

[quote=AndyD]And I wont be taking one of them :frowning:

Have a great day all [/quote]


3 weeks left to think up a believable fake ailment…

Cant go im afraid as im away :frowning:

When is this? - I still have trackday vouchers left :slight_smile:

25th October - BAT site :wink:

Not going to be ready. Huge disappointment. Need to decide whether to take the day off and head over anyway. Lets see what the weathers doing.

That’s a real shame Will. Come anyways, I drove from London to Oulton and back for a curry once :crazy:

Get there for sign on Will :wink:

Not sure if I can make it yet :frowning:

:astonished: :cry: WTF

:astonished: :cry: WTF[/quote]

Helping someone with an MBO at present - early days, but things could well accelerate in the next couple of weeks…

What’s an MBO???

Massive Brain Operation?

Memorable Body Odour.

Not Genii Capital takeover of Lotus, surely?
Big bonuses to be had there<i expect

General reminder to attendees (including me) to notify your insurer!

Rob, I really hope you can get out of your Monkey Boy Orgy so you can come :smiley:

Hi Lads,

This sounds like a good day. What track is it and is the offer still on or are there place left.


It’s at Donny on Tue 25th October with Bookatrack and good news there is still places left!!

One week to go!! Just phoned my insurer, don’t forget guys.

We need to think about a curry too…that place in Melbourne I guess??

Change of subject Benja, but are you going to watch young Mr Edwards race at Brands this Saturday? Sadly, that’s another event I can’t make! :frowning:

Yes Rob, the current plan is for me and my boys to head to Brands on Saturday to cheer Steve on.