Exige S2 with added supercharger

So, I took the car out on track a while back an I swore it didnt have 255 claimed ponies.

Well the results are in and my arse dyno is pretty accurate

Pretty dissapointing really considering the N/A ones makes 190bhp!

Thats not all the news though. The “map” which I am sure is not modified is not suitable for the car at all. Its RICH low down and LEAN as fook top end.

Scary Mary lean , not just a bit of air sucking through your front teeth scary. We are talking oooooooooffffff lean.

We, and by we I meant Paul needed to work out quite whats going on. It looks a open and shut case if the injectors are maxed out as show below

Now, I have a few choices and those are going to get limited based on the following :

I have a charge cooler to be fitted , just awaiting a part to find
I have a smaller supercharger pulley and belt to fit

This leaves me with two choices really , well 4 but the third is a no no

  1. Get Lotus ECU flashed with a 280 map from Lotus and assosiated injectors. Thats around a grand. Its not custom either. Its a generic lotus 280s flash. Hope and pray style.
  2. Bang a aftermarket programmable ECU on ( a SCS seeing as though you asked and I havent made my mind up ) with some either C20LET injectors, or better still some Astra VXR ones!
  3. Wait to see if EFI Technology based in Italy allow access to reprogram the ecu.
  4. Do nothing.

    In order of least likely to likely route …
    Option 4 is a no no.
    Option 3 is preferable as there is no financial investment beyond the chargecooler , and supercharger extras other than the injectors. However , how long could it be?
    Option 1 means I could be in the same boat again. I know for a fact that the 280s didnt have a tubular mani or a TRD airbox like mine.
    Option 2 means I am almost financially bankrupt and will get a severe almost long tube manifold grade bollocking off the wife, but its a safer , easier to upgrade engine and components.

Now , anyone got a sofa I can sleep on . I think I am about to be murdered by the wife.

I guess that explains why I could pull away from standard 172s but the megs would leave me on the straights!



TBD ( to be divorced )