Exige S1 Wheels

He had sold his silver exige to Willb and that car had also sold on now…i went to look at that car before i bought the orange…got to say…i m glad i bought mine in the end… :wink:

The BOX is on it’s way to me now. It’s already in Moscow.
Hope to get it this wheek :slight_smile:
I’ll post photos with my Exige on the Red Square as soon as I get my new old OEM wheels on.
Thank You all mates for Your help and support!
P.S. I’m almost sure, that there are NO bad guys among our small group of Exige S1 present and ex owners.


Stas you are a true Star :slight_smile:

Your patience over this matter has been truly inspirational - well done :slight_smile:

Enjoy your Exige fella…

[quote=Karkusha]The BOX is on it’s way to me now. It’s already in Moscow.
Hope to get it this wheek :slight_smile:
I’ll post photos with my Exige on the Red Square as soon as I get my new old OEM wheels on.
Thank You all mates for Your help and support!
P.S. I’m almost sure, that there are NO bad guys among our small group of Exige S1 present and ex owners.

Stas [/quote]


Did the box arrive ??? :smiley:

This EPIC story now comes to its happy end!
After all these long days and nights I’m so happy and the car now drives absolutely diffrent. Thank You all MATES!

Not quite as long as Esprit’s rebuild saga, but almost as much hassle, lol!

Car looks great, by the way :slight_smile:

Nice one…all set now :wink:

At last !! Good show !!!

Hahah just wait until Stas embarks on a rebuild… it took him that long to get the wheels a rebuild of 10 years is on the cards! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ne ne ne, with the rebuild everything gonna be fine.
Engine checked (only 10.000 km on the clock), gearbox will be rebuild this winter. Exterior panels (shells) - yes, they need some fresh colour coat. Uprated toe-links, AC rip off, emerald, ITG air filter, LSD and Junspeed sport exhaust are in the “to do list”. :slight_smile:

That’s awesome progress… It’s just me then around here that does glacial rebuilds…

…er, No George it’s not just you! :wink:

kindred spirits! :slight_smile:

Hi Karusha, Glad to see you finally received your wheels. Have to say it did turn into a bit of a nightmare for a while but all’s well now :slight_smile: Hope you are pleased.

For those who knew nothing about the situation, thank you for your concern, it was understandable due to the initial delay but that only came about as I had to spend some time off work following an operation and I was not aware that a paperwork problem had meant the items did not get shipped from my business address as per the instructions I had left. a fact I wasn’t aware of until Karusha got in contact with me.

Once I was aware there was a problem I sorted it out and got the parcels shipped separately because of weight limits on shipping to Russia.

Obviously one of the first things I did when first in contact with Karusha, was to give him both my home address and mobile number as well as an email address which was my businesses original email until we moved and changed the business name. I retained the email address and use it for personal use at work as only I have access to that and my direct personal telephone line. Both of which mean mails and calls directed to me personally, don’t get lost in the main business telephone or email system.

It is good to see so many people took an interest. I would have thought it more polite for those who wanted to play activist, to send details about me to Karusha by PM first, rather than put personal details such as private names, addresses and phone numbers up in a public forum.

While those individuals may have been angered by the possibility of someone appearing to be ripped off, the reality was nothing of the sort. My wife would be most perplexed to know that her name and details of our home address were being posted in an open forum. Legality aside, it just isn’t decent.

I’m much better now after some delicate surgery and a number of months recovery. And back at work full time now I’m able to drive again… In case anyone was interested, or not :wink:

Fair play really. Glad you’re ok & thanks for posting after all the bad press :slight_smile:

Only just read this - as its now sorted & clearly a problem that couldn’t have easily been avoided, perhaps it would be an idea to delete the personal details now?

Seems to me not all the problems were actually caused by the seller & some were due to the carrier & regs :slight_smile:

I must offer my apologies as I was one of those who posted personal details on the forum. At the time I was just trying to be helpful but my enthusiasm and instincts as a journalist got the better of me. Let Leveson be a lesson to us all !
I glad to hear that the matter is all sorted.

…btw you had a voicemail from your sister inviting you over for Xmas that I might have deleted, sorry about that :wink:

Thanks Benja, I’ll give her a ring now to make sure the traditional Xmas threesome is still on. Make sure you’re listening