Engine hunting for revs

Show me the plot that has 204BHP immediately after the Emerald run with no changes and I will be happy to confirm what you say.

The thing is Uldis that there are other sources who say that the Dastek RR doesnt under-read compared to the Emerald RR and all your traces you have shown until recently had already been adjusted upwards by 2%. If the RRs are in fact equivalent then those figures would be inflated/over-readings wouldn’t they.

Given conflicting information over the RR accuracy who should be believed?

If you look back to a lot of your previous postings on threads on this BBS you have made definitive statements about postings I have made that have been shown to be untrue, I have never requested, nor as far as I can recall, seen an apology from you.

If you are going to preach about etiquette and standards, first make sure that you adhere to those same standards that you expect of others. Then you will have earned the right to expect those standards of behaviour to be reciprocated.

Do as you would be done by.


Show me the plot that has 204BHP immediately after the Emerald run with no changes and I will be happy to confirm what you say.

I posted it for you before in this thread

The thing is Uldis that there are other sources who say that the Dastek RR doesnt under-read compared to the Emerald RR and all your traces you have shown until recently had already been adjusted upwards by 2%. If the RRs are in fact equivalent then those figures would be inflated/over-readings wouldn’t they.

They would, but as it happens they are not.
Have those sources done back to back readings? Didn’t think so.
I did them precisely to take that off the equation.

Given conflicting information over the RR accuracy who should be believed?

The only one that has made the tests: me.

If you look back to a lot of your previous postings on threads on this BBS you have made definitive statements about postings I have made that have been shown to be untrue, I have never requested, nor as far as I can recall, seen an apology from you.

As for apologising when I get something wrong, see page one of this thread.
If I have said anything proved wrong (and not because you say so) and haven’t apologised and I’ll immediately apologise to you and everyone.
For the record, I have even apologised to people I absolutey have no friendship whatsoever, but when I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

If you are going to preach about etiquette and standards, first make sure that you adhere to those same standards that you expect of others. Then you will have earned the right to expect those standards of behaviour to be reciprocated.

Do as you would be done by.

I do, this is how I live by.
I’m honest (sometimes too much) with a very strong sense of what is right and wrong. Trust me, if you knew my background you’d understand. I have been through hell and back because of this.

I wasn’t really expecting an apology from you, it was mainly to make a point.
Having seen your answer to something as simple as this shows me how you like bending the truth. ← and a line like this is not something that I could apologise for, because it is my personal opinion.


Those who know me will also know that I dont bend the truth and if I am wrong I say so. You assume that because my ‘version’ conflicts with Simon’s I must be wrong. In most cases where independent verification has been sought it has been Simon who has been forced to climbdown / apologise or run away.You may not like it but that is the way it is.

You seem to be caught up in Simon’s little world.

For the record I have no personal problem with you, but you seem hell bent on making it that way.

I have looked at the run and it does indeed show 204BHP and for the record I am happy to accept the runs adjusted by 2% although a sample of more than one would be better. And since it makes a difference I am sorry if you were offended, but you can now see how much better it is to see the evidence, that way it leaves little doubt.

It still does leave the engine where you, Steve B and I have always said it is, around 220BHP.


In most cases where independent verification has been sought it has been Simon who has been forced to climbdown / apologise or run away.You may not like it but that is the way it is.

The independent verifications you talk abou have been posted by you (becasue they won’t and don’t want to be contacted.
Only you know if you’re posting exactly what they said, nobody else. I certainly can’t.

For the record, I hear both versions all the time, and I can see how at key moments they can connect and make sense from both points of view, so it’s not that I listen blindly to Simon.
What is happening here is just human nature, but trying to be neutral I have to say you posting what other said is not proof.

It still does leave the engine where you, Steve B and I have always said it is, around 220BHP.

Which is what it is, fair enough.
(until the next nmod that is )

Incidentally when I initially had it built the anti-K firing squad mentioned it wouldn’t last long.
Now 10K miles later it’s not 209.5, it’s 220 and still going strong.

The only possible criticism I would have is the lumpy idle, but even that I like

The independent verifications have mainly been posted by me because the protragonists either dont have or dont wish to have internet access or involvement in what they see as a squabble.

Each one comes with an invitation to contact the originator to verify what has been said. If you are in any doubt whatsoever, put your mind at rest and verify for yourself otherwise stop trying to make out these statements are other than what they are … verbatim.

They would not have been necessary if Simon hadnt made mischeivous postings that contained innaccuracies and lies.

I could list them all here but I have neither the time nor inclination.

Once those statements were made I didnt see Simon E questioning their veracity because he knows they are true, I just saw the fastest bit of backpedalling outside of a trick-cyclist’s convention.

Suffice to say than none of it has anything to do with you so I dont understand what motivates your input.

I have done all I can short of bringing these people to your door and getting them to make their statements on a stack of bibles, even then you would probably say they were impostors, therefore continuance of this line of debate is a pointless and fruitless exercise.

If you are in doubt email or phone the persons involved and get independent verification. I have all the email trails here logged on the ISP server where they cannot be altered in any way and are as they arrived via email.

No useful purpose is being served by dragging this out any further, all the issues are resolved to most people’s satisfaction, if there are any who need more clarification I am sure they will say so here.

Otherwise let’s bring this debacle to a close.


The only possible criticism I would have is the lumpy idle, but even that I like

Uldis - I thought the Emerald ECU was supposed to be a “cure” for this?

The only possible criticism I would have is the lumpy idle, but even that I like

Uldis - I thought the Emerald ECU was supposed to be a “cure” for this?

Not really, Emeralds can help with the rest of the map, but as good as the Titans TB’s are for power (just because they’re big and straight) they’re bad for idle, it’s the position of the injectors that is the problem.
Then you have the poor synchronization mechanism.
But hey, they’re there on a VHPD, useless to spend money just to fix a lumpy idle. Unless you were starting with a base K and you needed to buy TB’s, in which case Jenvey’s would be a better idea.

And Dave, I re-read many of your posts (and Brian’s, puppyboy, etc), even now I don’t agree with most and still think you guys feel strong as a group. I’s just a human thing, clan spirit.

But as you say, let’s close this issue, I’m just a client. Peace.

Peace it is…


The only possible criticism I would have is the lumpy idle, but even that I like

Uldis - I thought the Emerald ECU was supposed to be a “cure” for this?

Not really, Emeralds can help with the rest of the map, but as good as the Titans TB’s are for power (just because they’re big and straight) they’re bad for idle, it’s the position of the injectors that is the problem.

OK - what is the truth of this? See THIS THREAD and I quote Dave Andrews:

“hence the Emerald/verniers upgrade which cured the hunting”

“These problems simply do not occur when the engine uses throttle position to determine load”

“The fact that the engine’s behaviour and output is transformed when the Emerald ECU is fitted makes a lie of the ‘race tuned’ argument.”

I’m not having a pop at you but genuinely

No, don’t think I’m saying the Emerald is not better than the std ECU, it’s just that when you get into individual TB’s the std Titan’s quality shows.

And my idle quality used to be better when I had the IACV IACV, but at one stage I started having problems with it and troubleshooting I figured out it was actually the wires going to the IACV that were at fault.
I then removed it rather than fixing the loom and hence have a rougher idle (especially when the engine is cold).

In this case I could get a much better result if I had Jenveys, as they have a much more precise near-close-throttle mechanism (idle). But couldn’t justify the price.

Also, there is a difference in lumpy and erratic.
Emerald gets rid of the erratic (if well setup) but the engine itself is lumpy and the TB’s injector position not optimum for near zero flow.

A programmable TPS based ECU (like the Emerald) is still tehe way to go.

The butterfly size is pretty much irrelevant in a tapered system unless you take into account the distance from the trumpet to the throttle plate and thence to the valve, a system can have pretty much the same capacity with a 45mm throttle plate near the trumpet or a 42mm throttle plate near the valve.

Even though there is no individual balance between barrels on the Titan TBs there is sufficient bleed from one side of a body to the other via the original IACV plumbing to minimise the affects of an imbalance in a single TB. The secret of a good idle is correct fuelling, advance and setting the airflow so that the natural idle is as close to the idle control value as possible leaving the idle control with only one or two degrees of advance to apply to stabilise, this will minimise hunting. I’ve done around 40 sets now and only one had a really poor idle, this turned out to be a duff TPS. The idle is not as good as with Jenveys where the volume of air between the TB throttle plate and the valve is much smaller giving better throttle response and better control.


So you mean we should bridge a pipe from the left to the right pairs?
I have mine now plugged where they come out of each pair.


no, the balance mech is there to balance between TBs.

On each TB there is an air passage between the chokes of that Tb where the IACV is plumbed in, if one cylinder draws more vacuum there will be an equalisation affect.


So, back from a few days away and my question now has 4 pages of answers. Hey - maybe some new info for me to think about and a couple of extra things to try…

or maybe not !