Branded Gear

Ben, hi.
Please count me in for at least 2 of whatever the style you go with - they look great.

Thanks for your support guys.

I discovered that there is a few places that allow you to set up a shop to sell T’s carrying your own artwork so this is what I plan to do. That way there’s no logistics, postage, taking orders, committing to stock that I have ti take on…I don’t need any more on my plate!

I also discovered that printing onto fabric has its own guidelines and constraints when it comes to artwork. What I’d done is too fine detailed to print at te sizes I’d shown so needs some rework.

As is typical with most things worth doing; it’s never fookin’ simple :unamused:

Is it worth asking Mike…his polo shirts are excellent. I practically live in mine and I’m sure he could get fleeces ect…

yeah have to get the right supplier, don’t want to get fleeced :angel:

Wherever you are on this 2 x medium long sleeve Ts please

Blue over white would be nice !!!,

Clive take a look at this thread.

Thanks Will.

I have actually been working on a new design that I think will work well. I will also get around to doing the S2 launch silhouette.

Need new gear for Angelsey :wink:

Thanks for that. Will get my order in for

Cool Ben!

Defo in for this :slight_smile:

Me too :slight_smile:


So the original shop is still live with the same designs/shirts for anyone that wants to order. All profit goes to the charity of Con’s family’s choosing.

I’ll try and get a new design and the launch-S2 in time for Anglesey.

Do you think you should add a Caterham and a Gayman GT4 to the possible shirts ? - maybe an NSX as well combined with some suitable script …

And a Volvo :wink:

and a Seat Leon?!?!?!

In a slightly distressed yellow. :slight_smile:. I’d buy one of those.


put some shark teeth up the side and a RAF roundel on the roof, call it a patina and boom you’re ‘scene’

May as well say SELOC too :unamused: