Another year nearly over.

06:01 Christmas Eve morning I became a Father…it’s a Boy .so much for the scans…5 weeks early, 5lb 13oz and in great shape…glad the wife was in hospital because the specialist said if we were at home the baby probably would not have made it…thanks for your comments guys and very merry Christmas to you all

Bloody 'ell, that’s only 8 minutes after your last post on here!


Congrats to you all - glad everything’s worked out okay

06:01 Christmas Eve morning I became a Father…it’s a Boy .so much for the scans…5 weeks early, 5lb 13oz and in great shape…glad the wife was in hospital because the specialist said if we were at home the baby probably would not have made it…thanks for your comments guys and very merry Christmas to you all


What’s going to be the name?.. Jesus?

Well Jesus was the first thing I said when the midwife phoned…but decided on Daniel.


Congrats matey!!!

Great News. Congratulations.

Congratulations. Fantastic news.

Congratulations and all the every best for the future Andy

Hope everyone is well and you had a great christmas

Congratulations Andy!!!

Gotta be the best Christmas pressie you’ve ever had. Fantastic news.

Congrats Andy!

Good year for me too! Went to see my Exige being built at the factory in April which was pretty cool. The car has totally lived up to expectations - it is a better road car as well as a better track car than my Elise S2 135. Perhaps it is the relative rarity, the looks, the astonishing grip, the second cam kick, but it just feels so much more special than my Elise.

Other highlights of the year:

Some great track days at Knockhill and Croft, including some memorable flat out laps at KH chasing Jamie in his red Exige.

Some fantastic early morning drives in the summer on deserted Borders roads before heading into work with a big grin on my face.

Getting married (drove the Exige to the wedding, naturally ), followed by a fab 5 weeks in NZ - skydiving, bungee, white water surfing, sea kayaking - great country.

Plans for 06: more track days, AFF course in Spain, and there is a wee voice in my head that I can’t silence whispering ‘supercharger, supercharger’


AFF course in Spain

what’s that?

AFF course in Spain

what’s that?

Sorry, jargon. Nothing to do with the Exige, just something I am quite excited about for 06. Stands for accelerated free fall, which is rapid way of learning to skydive. More info here if anyone is interested

I’d want Deccelerated Free Fall. Well, as I got closer to the ground anyway!

there is a wee voice in my head that I can’t silence whispering ‘supercharger, supercharger’

Oh dear, thats how it starts

I think for quite a few people on this board 2006 will be the year of the supercharger

2005,… hmmm interesting year that overall sucked Not nearly enough action for the Exige although the times we had were quality times Met lots of great people by attending lots of Motorsport with Tap this year, an effective photo diary can be seen by the amount of galleries accumulated this year clicky.

Anyhow 2005 is gone and it getting to the point where my mind turns to NY Resolutions…

  1. Spend more money than I have on Honda/Nitrons/Brakes
  2. Do at least double the number of trackdays and really work on my driving.
  3. Go and see my sister in the US,…and aim to return with a goodie from Jackson Racing in my hand luggage (well as Steve says,…2006 is year of the SuperCharger)
  4. Do more Motorsport photography and be a bit more organised with TSU Photo (yes Russ I know I still have not sent you the prints from the last two MESC rounds )
  5. LupoGTi has to go this year as I want something that’s a bit bigger in the trouser dept,…Clio Trophy a possibility.

OK so they are not really resolutions but I know 2006 is gonna be a manic work year and so I really need lots of car based plans in the offing…

I am getting seriously excited about the my Exige transformation that should happen fairly soon!!! I cannot wait…hope to see lots of you on track and standing around in the cold/rain/wind/heat/snow watching the racing next year.

Oh and many congratulations Andy, hope it is all going well.

  1. Spend more money than I have on Honda/Nitrons/Brakes

why not spend alot more money than you have and go for the Ohlins?