2014 Hall of Fame

I’m also one of those new comers that only a few Northerners know, but I’ll throw in my 2p. i would say get on and make a few changes, the one thing you won’t do is satisfy everyone so don’t wait for a concencus…one thing is certain though, a lack of action won’t stop a decline and those with any enthusiasm will drift away if nothing changes. There will always be a core but it’s striking a healthy balance with new blood…

I will try and contribute to a few more threads rather than just the build…oh and I’ll get Anglesey booked but it will be in the elise.

I for one am really enjoying yor build thread keep it up!!

Look forward to seeing you at Anglesey.


Love the build threads, keep it up

Hey Sean, I have a great S1 Honda, that is NOT for sale. :smiley:

I also have a great S1 Honda ! - that I really don’t want to sell but could be persuaded to !

Are you now trying to get co-conspirators?! Clear proof you know it’s wrong. :slight_smile:

Perhaps I’m just helping get the posting stats up :wink: :smiley:

Sean’s good at that too.

Has been known to post OHLINS with each letter as a separate post! :crazy:

That was actually in texts to me when I was hesitating about buying JF’s Ohlins…it worked huh! Really looking forwards to exercising those dampers this year :sunglasses:

These the ones that are too soft right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s see eh!

You gonna be ready for a Donny shakedown towards the end of Feb?

If you do the 21st I will see you there …

Sold - see you there :sunglasses:

now there is a target, I’ll get on with it then!

Wasn’t it Ade who was the mega post count dude for a while. I think we had a week or so when everyone was at it.

I did post a lot for a while, but car mods have cut back and time to do track days has gone away for a while. Also stopped spouting so much bollox LOL

I changed by profile email address and the system deactivated my account! It’s taken a year to get in again…and I seem to have a new account now :laughing:

Welcome back Steve, great to have you posting again.

shall we pick this up again next year? :smiley: