2 of the best series 1 exiges available

yes rob,mark wants to do some track days in it and yes did my ards last year at oulton as its only track i know.nigel will prob have plenty to do when iv’e finished with it

Good lad, Rob

You’ll have to tell Nigel that Mickey will pee in his tea (big time!), if he messes you about


[quote) nigel will prob have plenty to do when iv’e finished with it [/quote]

I did point out the bend it buy it clause did’nt i Rob

arh did’nt see the small print,dont think anyone will be near me at back of grid anyway

arh did’nt see the small print,dont think anyone will be near me at back of grid anyway

You better not be if you aint in top 10 youre fired

get me in at oulton and i will be in top ten

My lovely red exige, really did’nt want to sell that one
I love to pay for the curries but i’ve not been paid yet Rob .I will bring it along on monday to show you and Knievel what a really nice one is like

Bet it’s still not as good as mine!!!

no rob i said a good home mark has bought it who is teds son (one with gorgeous light blue mk1 exige) :

Blimey, two minters in one family!!!

I’d love to see Teds, don’t think i’ve ever seen a light blue Series 1!

Mark was ready to look/looked at the one I bought. Glad he’s got one as last time we spoke I believe he was thinking of something different. Might have got my wires crossed there, though

cheers Rob, will promise to look after it, cant wait to pick it up think this could be the longest two weeks ever
Pesky, i am planning on trying to use it properly but will get dad to keep it clean, dont think i could find any one better for the job
Thommo, yes was thinking of a caterham, even test drove a couple, great cars but couldn’t resist a yellow s1 exige especially after seeing yours at the Boatyard

I never used to like yellow, bought mine because of the spec but it’s started to grow on me!!! Looks amazing when the sun starts to go down.

Great news about your car. Congratulations. Any chance of your dad keeping mine clean,too???!!! It’s a bit neglected at the mo.

well you can fetch it round to mine for a valet thommo,as i will have a empty space in my garage when mark takes my exige away

Thanks for the offer but I suppose I’d better do my own dirty work. What’s taking its place in your garage, or have I missed something on that subject?

I never used to like yellow, bought mine because of the spec but it’s started to grow on me!!! Looks amazing when the sun starts to go down.

I love the yellow, after having Elise 111S in same colour.
And, you’re right, it looks a different shade at all times of the day and especially good as the sun goes down

nothing at moment thommo have a mk1 mx5 as everyday use.have had a mk1 elise then a sport 160 then the exige (all yellow) .so where do i go from there? backwards me thinks! would love a 2/11 but to dear.

You’re gonna regret selling it

You’re gonna regret selling it

Has Mickey applied for adoption elsewhere?

mickey likes his ma ma’s home cooking to much rob